A band of workers has been busy sorting mountains of clothing, shoes & toiletry donations for distribution to refugees. Here are easy ways you can help too
Portishead Directory

If you haven’t had an eye test lately you may be surprised at how thorough and technical they are now. Here’s my Specsavers Portishead experience.

On Friday and Saturday I departed from the “daily grind” of school runs, laundry and probably the most demanding of my offspring, Practically Perfect Mums, to head off to BritMums Live in London. It’s the UK’s biggest, two-day social media conference and blogger event, where lifestyle bloggers and social influencers gather to meet and socialise Read more

Fancy a back-to-nature family outing without spending a penny? My video which gives you a taster of Abbots Pool Bristol and tips on how to make the most of your outing.