I feel like we’ve been harbouring bugs in our household for weeks. I thought I’d already had my turn but on Christmas Day I woke up with a sore throat and gradually went downhill from there. Today I feel so rotten I’ve hardly left my bed.
But I can’t help but think how lucky I am and here are ten reasons why I am thankful!
Recently we have been inundated by unwanted telemarketing calls.
Here’s how my 3 year old reacted to the concept of cold-calling!
Practically Perfect Mums is still a very new venture, only having been live for 5 months and we want to share our ‘what’s on’ information with as many people as possible. If you know anyone else who might be interested in finding out more about What’s On for Kids in Portishead, please feel free to introduce Read more

Today is mine and Practically Perfect Dad’s first wedding anniversary and my husband is NOT romantic. Now that I have had exactly one year’s experience, I thought I would assess the pros and cons of our relationship and double-check I’ve done the right thing in marrying him. . .
and I don’t want to go! My feelings about leaving my Mummy comfort zone to go to the biggest parent bloggers conference in the UK.