Each day at school pickup time my pre-schooler complains
Mummy do we have to pick the boys up?
And I explain how sad his brothers would be if nobody came for them.
But today was a different story
Mummy is it time to go to school yet?
A changed boy?
I think not.

A school friend was coming to play and bringing a considerable Skylanders collection with him.
And as if that wasn’t exciting enough, we had received a mysterious package from the Skylanders!
Evidently it has been noted by the powers that be that my knowledge in this field is at best poor compared to my 9, 6 and 4 year old enthusiasts, so they have included a ‘present’ for me in the form of a homework diary.
So while the boys are busy negotiating how to divvy up the fun goodies amongst themselves, Mummy gets to study the history, science and game characters of the Skylanders.
But I can get out of this.
They won’t really know if I’ve done it, right?
My 9 year wasted no time in volunteering to test me on the questions provided.
And if I do well, a glass of wine perhaps? Some decadent chocolates?
Oh no! I will be rewarded with a sticker on my reward chart. Hmmmm!