The Bristol Hippodrome
Monday 27th April – Saturday 2nd May 2015
Based on Mel Brooks’ Academy Award winning movie, The Producers musical comedy has won a record-breaking 12 Tony Awards and 3 Olivier Awards.
Producers Family Review
Impoverished by a string of flops, New York producer Max Bialystock recruits accountant Leo Bloom to help him pull off Broadway’s greatest scam. Together they aim to produce the worst show in history and run away to Rio with millions, but they learn that show business can always find a way to kick you in the teeth.
This is a cheeky, unpredictable musical comedy featuring an interesting mix of eccentric characters.
Renowned UK comedian, JASON MANFORD, plays the ungainly nervous wreck of an accountant who agrees to be part of a creative accounting scam in the hope of realising his dream of becoming a Broadway producer. As a downtrodden accountant, his timid speaking voice is reminiscent of a feeble, questioning Dorothy straight from Oz, but once he decides to take charge of his destiny and starts singing, the strong voice which emerges is quite a surprise. Frankly, I’m not expecting to like him so much but, not only does he hold his own against these award winning seasoned theatre performers but he claims the stage with the complete comedy, acting, dancing and singing package.
Broadway and West End star CORY ENGLISH plays MAX BIALYSTOCK, once the biggest name in showbiz (well his name does have 13 letters!). The curtain has barely risen and it’s already clear from pockets of raucous laughter dotted around the auditorium that the saucy humour is being well received. I wince and wonder how wise it was to bring my nine year old son, as Max reluctantly agrees to play “The virgin milk maid and the well hung stable boy” with one of his string of elderly lady investors. I’m relieved we never get to meet his preferred companion, “Yank me, spank me”!
In one of my favourite scenes, Max recaps the whole show in song, sitting on a toilet in his prison cell. Reading this back, I can’t believe I’ve just written that previous sentence but believe me, it is a clever and very well done.
Flamboyant director Roger De Bris is chosen by Max Bialystock in an attempt to ensure ‘Springtime for Hitler’ is a flop. Olivier Award winning actor DAVID BEDELLA lights up the stage with his all singing, all dancing, grinning, mincing version of Hitler during the show-within-the-show.
West End leading lady TIFFANY GRAVES knows just how to grab the attention of the “producers”, flaunting an amazing figure during her funny striptease/audition. As if she hasn’t already done enough to win them over she then offers, in her OTT Swedish accent, to “tidy oop” Max’s cluttered room. She’s funny, beautiful, has a great voice and is domestically accomplished. Jealous? Why ever would I be?!
Phill Jupitus is the short fused, carrier pigeon keeping, former Nazi, brought on board by Max Bialystock and Leo Bloom to help them in their plot to put on the worst musical of all time. Having previously only seen him on television, I am impressed with his comic timing and stage presence. My sister and I particularly enjoy the ridiculous dance routine he forces the producers to perform before he grants them the rights to use his terrible play.
Many will disagree with me I’m sure, but I’m afraid I don’t really ‘get’ the appeal of LOUIE SPENCE as the flamboyant assistant. As a renowned dancer and choreographer, he doesn’t really dance a great deal, his diction isn’t easy to decipher and I cringe when I hear that predictable line, “walk this way”. He does mince awfully well though.

Against all the odds, the show proves to be a great success. The glitziest red and gold curtains rise to reveal the set of “Spring time in Germany”. Somehow giant Swasticas have very little menace amongst the shiny, glittery set, sparkly and sexy German uniforms. Lines like “Don’t be stupid, be a smarty. Come and join the nazi party.” are met with such raucous laughter that it sounds canned.

The show’s filled with fabulous costumes, glamorous dancing girls, great comedy and an incredible live band.
The Producers is one of those shows where you can’t pick just one obvious star – there are some great performances from this energetic cast, which I was surprised to discover was only twenty strong. Our own group had varied reactions.
I took me a little while to get into the show but once I did, I thoroughly enjoyed it, so much so that it made me laugh out loud, in public, which I don’t often do.
The Producers runs at The Bristol Hippodrome for one week only from the 27 April – 2nd May.
Monday 27th April – Saturday 2nd May
Evenings at 7.30 pm
Matinees on Wed & Sat at 2.30 pm
Tickets: £17.90 – £48.90
Concessions available at certain performances
Ooh I love the theatre, I’d like to go and see this it sounds right up my street!
Fantastic review, I’d love to see this! Kaz x
I lpve going to shows like these but with children I always check suitability.
Love taking my kids to see shoes, but def think this is one for the eldest and I not the younger ones!
I love Jason Manford and would love to see this!!
What a thorough reveiw! Sounds like a show I’d like to see.
It’s always helpful to know if my son would enjoy something before I’ve paid for the tickets! Nothing worse than finding out halfway through!
What a great sounding show, I think it is something I would enjoy myself. Its been to long since I went to the theatre.
Its looks greats, I love going to theatre, more so when something has been recommended. I like that’s it’s a ‘Gay Production’ its sounds like a barrel of laughs, exciting and entertaining, with a great fun cast.
I haven’t watched the film, this has given me an insight as what to expect. Thank you x
Im glad you liked the review Lucy. Thanks for dropping by and commenting
This sounds like a great night out for date night x
Looking at your pictures and reading your review, I am sure I would love this show.
Manford is certainly branching out isn’t he? Great to see him on some new roles.
Yes the quality of his performance was impressive
I think this would definitely be one for a date night. I haven’t seen the original film but heard good things and the costumes in the productions look great! X
I haven’t seen the Producers but I don’t think I’d take my children either. I’d rather go on a girl’s night out or as a couple.
I wouldn’t take children to see the producers having seen it myself!
No it would need to be a considered choice!