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Coat Storage Tip

After picking up the after school debris which had been dumped in my hallway for the umpteenth time, I suddenly realised that my young children weren’t really to blame for not hanging up their things as our adult coat hooks were difficult for them to reach. I put up new low level, child-friendly coat hooks, along with space for book bags & rucksacks.

My three year old can easily reach his own hook on the bottom row and is proud to be able to hang his own coat up.

When my children come they are asked to put away their coats, gloves, book-bags etc before I respond to the usual demands, “I want a drink?” or “Mummy can we go on the PlayStation?” Now they often remember to do it without prompting.  Not only does this free up a couple of minutes for me each time, I think this will also help them learn to become more organised and independent in the future.

low level coat & bag hooks

low level coat & bag hooks

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