As the nation gets into shape for the Sport Relief weekend, Practically Perfect Mums will be joining forces with a huge team of bloggers, friends, local businesses and supporters in a 3000 mile race in a bid to raise £20,000 for Sport Relief. Fancy being involved? Then read on.
PPMs Blog
Happy New Year 2014! Would I say 2013 was a failure or a success?
When the bridal shop double books you & hands you a damp crumpled rag that vaguely resembles the beautiful dress you chose, the day before your wedding day, what else can possibly go wrong?

There were lots of rustlings and secret things in our house over the past week and on Mother’s Day I was quite overwhelmed with all the home-made cards (excellent work nursery, school, cubs and Beavers!) and flowers and chocolates (thanks Daddy).
Not a shop-bought card in sight!
Thank you everybody for all your support and encouragement this year. Your comments, ‘likes’ and positive feedback have all helped to make this a fabulous first year for Practically Perfect Mums. A very Happy and Healthy 2013 to you all Read more