Comic Relief money makes an incredible difference both in the UK & around the world. Here’s how you can join in in 2015 with the Red Nose Day Danceathon.
PPMs Blog
A Happy New Year wish plus a smattering of festive and not so festive activities to lure the children (and the grown ups) away from the Christmas ‘surplus’ and out of the house this January!

On Monday 10th Feb Sport Relief swept into Portishead in spectacular style. Have a look at the fun we all had and find out how Portishead got ‘behind’ the fundraising challenge. Warning – contains bottoms!

Bristol’s contribution to the Team Honk Relay, aiming to raise £20,000 for Sport Relief, promised ferry travel, juggling across the Avon and a Zumba flash mob. I couldn’t resist popping across to check it out!

Sport Relief in the form of Team Honk Relay is due to hit Portishead on Monday 10th February. This is an event you won’t want to miss. We are bringing six horses through Portishead High Street with riders in High Viz jackets. There’ll be runners in big red pants and a chance for the little ones to pass the baton and be part of the 3000 mike relay race and help in our bid to raise £20,000 for Sport Relief!