Is your child wearing you down with challenging behaviour? If so, help is at hand. Mandy Stopard, a child behaviour consultant covering North Somerset & Bristol, works with parents to teach their children to behave more co-operatively and guides them towards a calmer home environment. Click through now to see how Mandy could help your family!
Health, Fitness & Wellbeing
Our family health and wellbeing section covers
local fitness classes
life coaching
child behaviour resources
sleep tips
vision problems & contact lenses for kids.

You go to a funeral and realise a paedophile who sexually molested you at the age of seven is there. What do you do? This and other questions answered in my not so fun quiz about historical sexual abuse.

Defibrillators are popping up all around us but would you have the confidence to step up in an emergency? In this new video the South West Ambulance Service offers a step by step explanation of how to use a defibrillator, showing how you could restart a heart and save a life.

As Mothers we know how important it is to take care of ourselves both physically and mentally, to put us in the best position to look after the needs of our children. Today we meet three inspirational Portishead Mums whose businesses can help redress the balance, making sure we look after ourselves as well as our families.