As Mothers we know how important it is to take care of ourselves both physically and mentally, to put us in the best position to look after the needs of our children, but how often do we invest all our efforts into looking after the interests of our family while neglecting ourselves?
When I had my first baby, there was plenty of advice around about looking after him but I put very little emphasis on my own health and wellbeing. I remember when I was weaning, I tried to do everything by the book – avoiding sugar and salt and buying costly organic ingredients for all his freshly prepared home cooked meals. Meanwhile my own diet had a heavy emphasis on caffeine and sugar, both of which I relied upon to keep me going during the hazy days which followed those sleepless nights.
Now the boys are all at school, I try and fit most of my work around their school day. Although still fairly time-poor, I’m ultimately more productive and feel better when I factor in time to look after myself too. Here are a few of my feel-good tips:-
- Pop outside for fresh air if you’ve been cooped up too long
- Drink more water (no, coffee doesn’t count)
- Have a proper lunch, even when you’re only making it for yourself.
- Meet up with friends (And yes, during the day is fine, because as parents so much of our evening lives are dominated by looking after our families.)
- Exercise.
- If you’re feeling overwhelmed, share the burden. Talk to a friend, health visitor or GP.
Today I’d like to introduce you to three inspirational Portishead Mums whose businesses can help redress the balance, making sure we look after ourselves as well as our families.
The demands of a young family can leave you feeling tired and overwhelmed. Frequently mums struggle to fit in exercise and sometimes lose the habit all together.
Yoga teacher Sabrina Tyus Hayes, who heads up Portishead based Tyus Yoga talks about how yoga can ease the stresses of motherhood.
Sabrina Tyus Hayes – Tyus Yoga Portishead
“Perfect for mothers, class sessions are designed to support a range of abilities and are adaptable to the individual. Students with no prior experience of yoga can attend alongside those who have been practicing for some time. Classes incorporate the use of the breath and movement within the postures. The result is stretching, strengthening, and proper body alignment with a reduction in tension. Mums attend these types of classes for a variety of reasons. Some want to complement their current exercise routine whilst others come for nourishing quiet time to themselves.
No matter the season of motherhood, women struggle with competing demands of family and work life. Yoga helps mums to be more comfortable in their bodies and brings calm to a scattered mind. Mums who practice yoga cope better with their daily lives, develop renewed energy levels and experience a profound sense of wellbeing.
Classes are 1 hour 15 min and include time for relaxation. Classes can be tailored for smaller groups in the home.”
Please call Sabrina at 07976206245 to learn how yoga can work for you or email sabrina@tyusyoga.com.
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I’m not sure at exactly what point it was after becoming a Mother that I stopped defining myself in terms of my former video production career and started to feel people saw me as ‘just a mum’. Although I loved being a Mother, I was sure I had a lot to offer professionally, but I’d lost confidence and direction. One day some time later I sat down at my first ‘Practically Perfect Mums’ business meeting and I still remember how good that conversation felt, because the person I was talking to valued my opinion about something other than one of my children!
If any of this sounds familiar, a professional life coach might be just what you need. Portishead based Sarah Brooks is passionate about helping people get their lives back on track and she’s offering a limited number of people an initial free session to get you started.
“Do you spend more time planning your annual holiday than planning your life? Do you struggle with doing a good job at home or at work? As a Life Coach Sarah helps people get from where they are to where they want to be, whatever the scenario.
Coaching is all about developing your self-belief and giving you the tools to control your own happiness – and work out what that actually means to you. Sarah believes that everyone possesses all the resources they need to overcome the challenges life throws at them. But sometimes you need a bit of help to get there.
Once we become parents, for example, it can feel as if we have split personalities: certain aspects of our lives can come under considerable pressure. We have many roles to play and getting the balance right can be tricky.
Life Coaching is a relatively new technique which essentially helps you think in a more productive and therefore positive way – and the results can be profound.

Sarah Brooks – Life Coach, Portishead
In a nutshell coaching is:
- holistic, addressing the needs of the whole person
- a vehicle for raising awareness and finding solutions
- a means of motivating people to achieve their true potential.
If you feel stuck, frustrated or simply need some support or encouragement in your life, please call Sarah for a chat. She’s offering a limited number of people a free session to get you on-track for a fulfilled, balanced and happy life.”
Sarah Brooks, Personal Performance Coach
07768 283059
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Unfortunately spa days are few and far between, but an occasional investment into lovely products can make pampering at home an inexpensive alternative. It might be a cliche but one of my own favourite ways to de-stress is with a relaxing bubble bath. A good friend of mine, Sarah Britton-Davies, has recently become our local Neal’s Yard Remedies Organic Consultant and her enthusiasm for the products and the ethics of the company is clear.
Sarah’s happy place is the beach, bare foot on the sand with sun on her face and the sound of the waves. She’s always been a lover of nature and is passionate about natural, organic and sustainable products and a holistic approach to wellbeing. Sarah is a Mum and understands all too well the demands that are made on Mums and the constant battle to try and find that all important work/life balance. She feels it’s so important for Mums to take care of themselves, their inner health and wellbeing, as well as that of their families. Eat healthily, exercise, get a good night’s sleep and whenever possible take some time for you, to live in the moment, to re-charge and re-energise. Find time to be in your happy place and have that all-important work/life balance.
Sarah was very happy to discover Neal’s Yard Remedies Organic, not only for the benefits of using their natural, organic products for herself, family and friends, but also for the freedom that running the business gives her. It works around her life and not the other way around, a much healthier balance. As a company, Neal’s Yard Remedies believe nature provides everything you need to enjoy greater health, beauty & wellbeing. They are devoted to transforming nature’s pure ingredients into luxurious and effective organic products that you and your family can trust. NYR have spent 30 years unlocking the secrets of nature to formulate their award-winning organic health & beauty products whilst being kind to the environment and ensuring an ethical approach to their business. All of their products are made in a purpose-built factory in Dorset and the company have received 100/100 for their ethics. Neal’s Yard Remedies is a company that believes in people helping people.
These gorgeous organic products are now easily available for you to buy locally from Sarah. Please contact her to discuss your requirements, for product advice, or as the perfect excuse for some ‘me time’ why not host a pamper party or workshop. You can also book Sarah for a specific event or fundraiser. If you like the idea of running your own NYRO business and the freedom it can provide you, have a chat with Sarah who would be very happy to have like-minded people join her team.
For more information you can contact Sarah on 07985 931131
by email britton_sarah@yahoo.co.uk
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So there we have it. Three dynamic Portishead Mums who are all running businesses with an emphasis on taking care of fellow Mums.
How do you look after yourself?