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The grateful ill – 10 reasons I’m thankful!

I feel like we’ve been harbouring bugs in our household for weeks. Before the boys broke up, they were taking it in turns to be sent home from school with sickness and temperatures. I thought I’d had my turn a couple of weeks ago when I was wiped out for about 36 hours with a faulty internal thermostat and a complete energy bypass.

But on Christmas Day I woke up with a sore throat and gradually went downhill from there. Today I feel so rotten I’ve hardly left my bed. I’m afraid to cough too hard in case I disturb the broken glass in my throat. Even swallowing brings tears to my eyes.

Skylanders Giants

But I can’t help but think how lucky I am and here are a few reasons why:-

  1. We have a great thermostatically controlled central heating system, so when I can’t regulate my own body, I can at least control the temperature of our house.
  2. This is not one of those ‘self-inflicted’ ailments so I can feel rotten without feeling guilty
  3. Being the 21st century, I have access to various remedies and painkillers which I can call upon to take the edge off my symptoms
  4. My lovely husband who has been busy at work all day, has also found time to go shopping for lovely gifts for me such as velvety soft tissues.
    Scrap that. He forgot the tissues but he has bought me Night Nurse. Hoorah!
  5. The boys have not been dragged on any outings and have therefore had a great opportunity to play with their Christmas presents
  6. When we had our neighbours over for pre-arranged Christmas drinks, they shrugged off our concerns about infecting them as they were also suffering/recovering from various ailments of their own. (Has anyone anywhere had a bug free December?)
  7. Unlike much of the world’s population we have freely running clean tap water, which is very lucky as I am sure I’ve drunk at least my own bodyweight in hot blackcurrant today
  8. As we live in one of the most affluent areas of the modern world, I can eat what I fancy, get warm when I need to and drink plenty of fluids
  9. It’s the Christmas holidays, so (unlike the last time) I haven’t had to struggle out of my PJs to do the school run
  10. Being the 21st century and thanks to some of the above, I can be reasonably certain that I am not in mortal danger. This is a temporary blip and I hope to be fully recovered in a day or so

There you go. Ten reasons why I am thankful about being ill this Christmas. And if, by any chance, I pass this onto you, I expect you will really thank me for it too!


11 comments… add one
  • Diane 29/12/2012, 18:36

    Loved this post, Jane! Loved how upbeat you are.
    And you’re absolutely right. We need to concentrate on what we do have. Because we have so much!
    Thank you for this little reminder!
    P.S. We had bugs for Christmas as well. Ugh!

    • Jane 29/12/2012, 23:48

      Thanks Diane. I had just started feeling really sorry for myself and then I thought “Don’t be ridiculous. This could be so much worse”.
      I should also have included the fact that my parents did all the catering on Christmas Day on the list, so I had a pretty relaxing day.
      I do hope your bugs have left you alone now . . .

  • Another New Day 29/12/2012, 18:14

    Identical Christmas! Weeks of sick children then a sore throat that on Christmas eve got so bad I struggled through Christmas Day then lost my voice and spent the next few days in bed. Am slowly recovering! Popped in from the Blog Hop. X

    • Jane 29/12/2012, 23:31

      Oh dear! I’m not sure we stood much chance this year against all the bugs flying around, did we? I do hope you’ve turned the corner now. Thanks for popping over!

  • Sara 29/12/2012, 02:00

    My Christmas has been rather similar. Big hugs and hope you feel better soon x

    • Jane 29/12/2012, 11:27

      Thank you Sara. Despite barely having a voice today, I am feeling much better. Unfortunately it’s now the turn of my eight year old to feel rotten! I hope you are all recovering at your end.

  • Rachel 28/12/2012, 18:45

    Get well soon lovely lady. I have been well all over Christmas for once, perhaps it’s the American climate (or that I am a hermit and contact with other people is rare). Enjoy New Year x

    • Jane 28/12/2012, 21:24

      Have just hosted my bro and family so hopefully have not infected them too. Feeling a bit better today but 3 or 4 hours of up and about time seem to be about as much as I’ve managed so far. (Back on the sofa now). Hope to have a proper outing tomorrow. Glad you are keeping well. How was Christmas in Seattle? Weird? Fun? Other?

  • Jane 28/12/2012, 14:10

    Thank you Coombemill. I have joined your blog hop!

  • Coombemill 28/12/2012, 13:48

    Enjoyment is a state of mind and bless you for counting your blessings over a Christmas of illness. Please do join my Christmas blog hop, I just set it up as a way for us all to share our Christmas blog posts.

    • Coombemill 28/12/2012, 21:26

      Thanks for linking up and hoping you are all on the mend for New Year!

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