Have fun at new Stay and Messy Play
by Portishead Children’s Centre
We know, from asking parents what they and their children have enjoyed most at the Children’s Centre, that sensory play, and getting messy, are always popular. This kind of play can improve children’s language development, help develop early maths skills, develop fine motor skills and help improve social skills.
So come along to the Portishead Children’s Centre on West Hill, Portishead, on Wednesdays from 1pm – 2.30pm, and explore lots of ways to make a mess and learn whilst having fun. Just a few of the things we will be experimenting with will be gloop, shaving foam, jelly, mud, sand, water and the old favourites, paint and glue. We have lots more ideas, but will also welcome any suggestions you have for future sessions.

There will also be the usual book and home corners for children to play in, and a craft or painting activity, as well as a baby area.
Don’t forget to wear your old clothes, and maybe bring a change of clothes for the little ones, just in case.
Suitable for babies to pre-schoolers.
Cost – suggested contribution of £2 per family.
Stay and Messy Play will run weekly in term time from 11/09/2013