Skylanders Stink Bomb – Surely the Smelliest Skylander in Skylands!
Stink Bombis one of the newest members of the Skylanders SWAP Force and to celebrate his arrival he’s sent Practically Perfect Mums a mischievous, practical joke kit. Even as the parcel was being unwrapped, the boys were selecting potential targets for the joke soap and bouncing on the whoopee cushion, but the five year old was especially impressed with the innocent looking packet containing 3 vials of tiny but potent stink bombs!
How lovely. Thank you Stink Bomb.
The odour only lingered for an hour or so . . .
. . . but obviously the main attraction was Stink Bomb himself
“I’ve always wanted a sneakability one”
Skylanders Stink Bomb – The Backstory
Stink Bomb studied martial arts under one of the greatest ninja masters in history who believed that surprise was the key to finding your true self. Thus, his master would constantly jump out and frighten him, hoping that it would scare Stink Bomb into finding his innermost strength. On one such occasion, Stink Bomb was so surprised that he instinctively released a cloud of vapour so pungent that it caused his master to disappear and never return.
With this newly discovered ability, Stink Bomb developed his own form of martial arts known as Kung Fume, and wandered the land teaching it to all those who wished to learn. It was not long before the news (and smell) of this new form reached Master Eon, who sought out the young ninja at once.
How to Buy Stink Bomb
Stink Bomb is available to buy now and I’m sure you can’t wait to own him!.
As I write, he’s very popular and not terribly easy to track down as he’s out of stock in some stores, but he is currently available via my affiliate link below.
Disclosure: Stink Bomb and his smelly practical joke kit were sent to us for the purposes of this article. Thanks for that!