Portishead Christmas Lights and Fireworks Display
I’m pleased to say that somewhere between singing lessons, swimming club, homework and pantomime rehearsals, two of our boys and I managed to fit in a brief but memorable trip to the switching on ceremony of our beautiful Portishead Christmas lights on Monday. Local community hero Geoff Smith (known as “Mr Geoff” to children and staff at High Down Junior School, where he works) was awarded the great honour of flicking the switch in recognition of an impressive 55 year stint helping with the lights.
The Golden Mile of Christmas illuminations is a perfect example of Portishead community at its best, with a team of volunteers handling the practicalities of putting up and taking down the lights as well as fundraising throughout the year. It’s yet another reason why we love living in Portishead.
My nine year didn’t make it so I put together a little video montage of the illumination and fireworks for him, which you’re welcome to check out, whether you missed it or you just fancy reliving the countdown, the switching on, the fireworks display and a feel for the atmosphere of the festive event.
As our Portishead Christmas guide has been soo000000 popular, I’ll soon be publishing a 2015 version which will include lots of festive community events in and around Portishead including carol concerts, shows and school fairs. Thanks to all the people who’ve already sent their Christmas events for inclusion – if you haven’t got round to telling me about yours yet, please drop me a line asap so I can include you.
If you’re a business and would like to be a festive sponsor or advertise in the Christmas feature, please email me, as I still have a few spots available.
Thanks for reading – and watching!
Jane x
jane @ practicallyperfectmums.co.uk