First Portishead Scouts would like to open a new Beaver Scout Group on a Tuesday as they have lots of children on their waiting list. They’ve contacted Practically Perfect Mums to see if our readers (lovely bunch that you are!) can help. Here’s some information from their group:-
Beaver Scouts offers children aged 6-8 adventure, interesting activities and friendship. Meetings are early evening for one hour. They have an experienced Leader but need one or two Assistants to help run the new colony. If you have a son or daughter who would like to join us (aged 5 ¾-8), then if you volunteered, they would qualify for an immediate space.
Last term we played games, visited Waitrose behind the scenes, walked in a nature reserve, worked with a model Aircraft group, did cookery and crafts. The children are happy enthusiastic and well behaved and we need YOU so we can offer these opportunities to more children.
No qualifications or experience necessary, full training given, just enthusiasm and a little of your time.
So if you are interested and would like to support our community, please contact Louise Wardle, 1st Portishead Scouts on