Portishead resident, Eleanor Dunn-Sims, is thrilled by the level of interest in her Music with Mummy and Jolly Babies classes since she started in October 4 years ago! She says,
“It is now generally accepted that early exposure to music, and especially singing, greatly enhances young children’s development. These professionally prepared, fun classes are an excellent way to introduce music to young children, and both Health visitors and Speech Therapists have been very impressed with their positive effects.”
Eleanor herself sang as a very young child and has loved it ever since. She was a professional opera singer in London for 20 years before the birth of her son Oliver, singing many operatic roles here and abroad, as well as singing with London Voices on the soundtracks for many films including Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and Star Wars.

Having looked at a wide range of musical schemes available for pre-schoolers, Eleanor chose the award winning educational programme for babies and pre-school children, Music with Mummy and Jolly Babies. This programme has been running in Bristol since 1998 and the different props and range of songs and instruments make classes a rich learning environment.

Why not bring your little one along and see for yourself?
Where do I find my local class?
Eleanor holds the following classes in Portishead:
Tuesdays mornings at St Josephs Church Hall, West Hill
9.30 Music with Mummy
10am Jolly Babies
10.40 Music with Mummy
Friday mornings at Trinity Community Hall, Marjoram Way
9.30 Music with Mummy
10am Jolly Babies
10.40 Music with Mummy
How much does it cost?
Cost per session is £3.75 for Jolly Babies and £4 for Music with Mummy
Can I try before I buy?
Of course! Eleanor is offering a FREE session to Practically Perfect Mums readers. Just contact Eleanor on 01275 847083 or el.dunnsims@btinternet.com and quote ‘PPMmusic’ to book your free class!
Check out the website for more details